Just some last-minute reminders:
We know that Trump and the RNC are pushing early voting, but this only gives bad actors data they can use to cheat. This has been verified by the election analysts and experts time and again over the last 4 years. Just like with the vax and masks, we are pushing common sense and knowledge over mindlessly following orders from others. If you absolutely cannot make it to the polls on election day vote in person as late as you can. NEVER VOTE ABSENTEE by mail!!!!
If anything happens on election day, the precincts have an emergency plan, including excess paper ballots. Don’t fall for the psyop. The people who are pushing this are not election experts.
If you see or experience something at the polls, please contact us and of course; report it to the poll clerk and county. You can report issues to scsafeelections@zohomail.com or call us at (803) 998-0902
Over the course of this election and of course the last four years, it is evident that our electronic voting system is BROKEN and needs to be reengineered.
Here is a vlog on the topic. It is a much read and watch.
Praying for a clean and safe election and that there is clarity, not confusion, on election night!
SC Safe Elections
Thank you for all you have done & will continue to do for America! God Save America ❤️🔥🙏