God works in mysterious ways. As mere mortals, we don’t appreciate his timing or plans. As the saying goes, “Man makes plans, and God laughs. On Thursday, September 26th, a few of us volunteers with SC Safe Elections were set to travel to “Prepper Camp” in Saluda, NC. Thankfully, we made a last-minute decision to cancel our trip, and we thankfully avoided the flooding and destruction that was far worse than where we were located. Many of us have experienced our own “prepper camp” over the last few weeks. We grieve for those unfortunate souls who have suffered immensely from this horrific event, and our prayers go out to all of those affected. We also pray for the brave volunteers involved in the rescue and relief effort.
Our current world situation is dark, shocking, and unbelievable. Natural disasters are a weekly occurrence; bombing accelerates in the Middle East; tensions continue in the Ukraine/Russia conflict; deadly viruses seem to be emerging; accusations of child trafficking by high-profile “celebrities” permeate the news and social media; assassination attempts are too close for comfort; the risk of nuclear war increases daily. The United States government sends money to nations across the globe while ignoring their suffering citizens. All of this is happening 30 days before one of the most critical elections in the history of our country.
In these dark days, it is easy to lose hope and to “tune out.” It’s hard to face the truth. A veteran colleague recently admitted he was tired of decades of lies, governmental lies, and malfeasance. He had lost his faith. All three branches of government seem tone-deaf to the will of the people and are subverting any justice. He claimed there was too much collateral damage and that it could have been prevented. Time was an asset we could not get back. Where were the patriotic politicians, law enforcement officials, etc., willing to take action and stand for our Constitution?
This is truly a “Job moment.” If a man has no faith, what is left? As Helen Keller said, “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”
Recent events have reinforced the idea that we cannot rely on our government to save us. The feckless government response to Hurricane Helene indicates that our government is bereft of integrity and not acting in the best interests of our citizens. God works through regular people to make miracles happen. We must be self-reliant and work within our community to affect change. Life is not a spectator sport; we all need to participate in supporting those in need in our communities, saving our elections, and preserving our Republic.
“As said in Ephesians 6:12, our struggle is ultimately against ‘spiritual forces of evil,’ meaning the real battle is the spiritual warfare of good versus evil. Spiritual battles are fought on the turf of the human mind. This silent, insidious war that has been going on for decades.
Why can’t our political leaders respond to the citizens’ concerns?
Our grassroots group, among others nationwide, has experienced an intentional reluctance from the government in our efforts to save our elections. Election advocates have been attacked personally simply for asking for transparency and accountability in our elections. We have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars of our own money and resources over the last several years to make a difference so that people trust their vote was counted correctly. There appears to be no will from all branches of the government to address the issues with your election system. Here is a list of just some of what our group, SC Safe Elections, has accomplished:
Studied the ES&S Electronic Voting System in depth, including the certification of the system
Produced a whitepaper that showed 100s of vulnerabilities https://www.scsafeelections.org/whitepapers/
Lobbied legislators to conduct an audit on the 2020 election
Canvassed eight counties, resulting in over 11 thousand affidavits https://www.scsafeelections.org/resources/
Documented multiple anomalies from poll observation of the ’22 elections https://www.scsafeelections.org/whitepapers/
Sued the SEC and eight counties to gain access to Cast Vote Records; we were countersued simply for asking for the data via FOIA, and the judge dismissed the case and then ruled for the defendants in a motion for reconsideration without hearing our evidence and expert testimony: https://www.scsafeelections.org/updates/persuasive-evidence-proves-south-carolina-citizens-should-have-access-to-cast-vote-records-cvrs-but-judge-punts/
Presented information to legislators not to pass regulations that benefited the SEC and would potentially take away citizen rights to voting
Conducted trials and testing of hand-counting, hand-marked ballots to optimize the process
Co-authored a whitepaper that established a “gold standard” for elections that re-engineered the process in its entirety based on getting rid of the machines and using paper ballots hand-marked and hand-counted at the precincts with one day of voting
Drafted and lobbied for improved election integrity bills, allowing for more transparency and accountability
This list is not exhaustive, but it shows the dedication and outstanding work of hundreds of SC citizens concerned about our elections. For more information on elections in SC, please visit our website, www.scsafeelections.org.
What has changed since 2020?
It is hard to affect change in a legislative culture that is top-down, and that runs more like a parliament than a representative form of government accountable to our Constitution and the people. If anything, since 2020, our system is worse. The institution of early voting is a net negative to election outcomes. Refer to this article. Far too many people favor the convenience of mail and early voting, potentially undermining accurate results. Voters cannot get access to crucial election records to audit or review how their vote is counted. Counties across the country are not robustly testing the machines. The good news is that due to our efforts around the state and country, more people are aware of the issues regarding electronic election systems, bad voter rolls, and poor processes and procedures. These people are concerned and are becoming more involved.
What will happen in November?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Our research shows that many of our political leaders have been “selected” for some time.—likely 20+ years since HAVA, the Help American Vote Act, was implemented and electronic voting machines became the norm. Machines can cheat at scale. Extending the vote count past election day aids the cheat as they can match physical ballots to machine results and ballot stuff. The whole point of implementing computerized voting was to get results faster. Bad legislation over the years has moved us in the wrong direction. The “powers that be” are already telegraphing that the count for the November election will be delayed. Anything could happen, and the election itself could even be delayed. The bottom line is to expect chaos, not clarity, until inauguration day. Expect the unexpected.
Ultimately, we pray that the voters’ choices up and down the ballot prevail and potentially nefarious foreign and domestic actors are thwarted.
What can you do?
Vote and encourage others to vote; the best way to win is to swamp the system with high voter participation. Ideally, vote on election day. If you have issues standing in line, you can vote curbside.
Be vigilant and report anything suspicious. Here is where you can report anomalies.
Don’t be a zombie voter. Educate yourself on the candidates. Disregard the R or D after their name. Instead, review their voting record. You can find your representative and senate members in your district here.
Encourage your state senator and house member to pass substantial election integrity reform bills.
Attend your local political party meetings.
Canvass your neighborhood to encourage people to vote.
Sign up with your party to be a poll watcher.
Observe the county absentee ballot processing (election day) and tabulation and your county machine testing. Check your local county board or registrations and elections for the testing date.
Attend the canvassing and hand-count audits.
Doing the above will educate you on the process and show you how complicated and complex it is.
Finally, pray and stay faithful, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Put your faith in God, not the government, not one particular man or woman, nor a celebrity influencer. Exercise your discernment.
We need to take a more active part in our government. If we want to change it, we must actively participate, not be passive spectators.
We continue to thank you for your ongoing attention and support. We provide updates to breaking election news via our Telegram channel, which you can join here: https://t.me/+sRfrsM-iuvoxODAx.
Stay blessed and frosty,
All the best,
SC Safe Elections
Thanks for everything you folks are doing. Prayers for you and our America. God's Protection, Peace and Blessings.